How to ... Report on a Poetic Work
Fill the map in with the required information and then practice composing simple and short sentences.
The rectangular bubbles represent the key points of the presentation of a poetic work. The oval bubbles aim to widen the information. Students can easily make simple sentences, then paragraphs and finally a text which will be an excellent summary or presentation of a poetic work.
The map works clockwise. Start by writing the title of the bubble in the central bubble. Now find the bubble of the same color: Title. Fill out with the information that are requested, try to be synthetic. Ideally you should use nouns only.
Continuing clockwise the map will guide you to collect all the elements you will need.
The map is a didactic aid. It may be used as a compensatory measure for students with dyslexia and as material for study by anyone else.
LnT suggests
LnT An example of text which follows the step by step path shown in the map to report on a poetic text: The Canterbury Tales, A Guide in 9 Literary Elements
LnT There is a map to follow for each genre of the work you have to present: a poem, a romance, a novel, a play.