Lyrical Ballads: The Preface

Lyrical Ballads: an Analysis in 7 Literary Elements

Daffodils: Full Text, Word List

Daffodils: Video Analysis

Daffodils: Visual Semantic Analysis

Samuel Taylor Coleridge:

Biography Chart

Lyrical Ballads: an Analysis in 7 Literary Elements

The Rime of the Ancient MarinerFull Text

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: Genre: the Ballad

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: Part 1: Division into Sections

Lord George Gordon Byron:

Biography Chart

Don Juan: a Video Guide in 4 Maps

Don Juan: Some Passages from the Poem with a Word List

Percy Bysshe Shelley:

Biography Chart

England in 1819: Text and Word List

England in 1819: a Video Analysis: in 8 Literary Elements

Prometheus Unbound: a Analysis in 10 Literary Elements

Prometheus Unbound, an extract: Text and Word List

John Keats:

Biography Chart

La Belle Dame sans Merci: Full Text and Word List

La Belle Dame sans Merci: an Analysis in 9 Literary Elements 

La Belle Dame sans Merci: a Video Analysis

Mary Shelley: 

Biography chart

Frankenstein: a Video Analysis 

Frankenstein: Additional Literary Elements

Frankenstein: First Page and Word List

Jane Austen:

Biography chart

Pride and Prejudice: an Analysis in 8 Literary Elements

Pride and Prejudice: first page, word list

Northanger Abbey: first page, word list

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